Me and Warren Buffet
Today I take an online personality test on , and the result said that I'm ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging). And these are what PersonalityMax said about ISTJ profile. ISTJ Preferences Preferences: Introversion (I), Sensing (S), Thinking (T), Judging (J) ISTJs direct their energy inward. They are private and are energized by spending time alone. They are deliberate and independent. ISTJs usually have a small circle of friends. They are often the type that thinks before they speak. With a preference for Sensing, ISTJs process information through their senses. They are concrete and realistic people. They give attention to detail and live in the present. ISTJs are Thinkers and make decisions with their head. They can be impersonal and firm with others. They are driven by thought and are objective. ISTJs are emotionally controlled. ISTJs are structured, scheduled and organized. They seek closure. Completing tasks brings them great satisf